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- Harnessing the power of nature, Sahajidah Garam Buluh preserves the intrinsic mineral content of sea salt and optimizes the rich profile of minerals and trace elements with nature’s finest offerings – bamboo and red clay.
- Passed down through generations, the traditional method used until today was inspired by ancient health and medicinal philosophies.
- With a hands-on approach from the harvesting of bamboo to the heating process, old methods of preparing the bamboo salt are well preserved to retain the original taste.
- 100% Bamboo Salt from Korea
- Enhanced with proprietary Intense High Heat (IHH) technology
- Alkaline property with pH of 9 – 11
- Contains added iodine
- Roasted bamboo salt – can be taken directly with water, vegetable and fruit juice
- The intense saltiness and fine texture gives vegetable & fruit juices an extra lift in taste
- Is Sahajidah Garam Buluh Korean bamboo salt?
Sahajidah Garam Buluh is a 100% bamboo salt from Korea. It is manufactured using traditional methods that was passed down through generations from ancient Korea. The traditional method that is still being used until today was inspired by ancient health and medicinal philosophies. With a hands-on approach from the harvesting of bamboo to the heating process, the traditional methods of preparing the bamboo salt are well preserved to retain the original values of health and wellbeing. - What is the source for Sahajidah Garam Buluh?
Sahajidah Garam Buluh is a 100% authentic bamboo salt from Korea and is specially manufactured with proprietary Intense High Heat (IHH) technology. Bamboo salt is clinically applied by Korea Oriental Clinic to promote health and wellbeing. Besides, it is also extensively studied and researched by the Korea Biopharmaceutical Research Institute where bamboo salt is incorporated as a natural ingredient in different types of healthy and functional food to improve the medical efficacies of Korean functional food. - What is Intense High Heat (IHH) Technology and what are the benefits?
Sahajidah Garam Buluh is now enhanced with proprietary Intense High Heat (IHH) technology, which allows the increase of the heating temperature to above 1500°C to maximise the mineral profile of bamboo salt. Thanks to IHH technology, the egg white-like taste of bamboo salt is significantly reduced. Hence, everyone can enjoy a burst of minerals and trace elements with an improved taste. - How is Sahajidah Garam Buluh manufactured?
Step 1: Prepare the solar salt
Step 2: Harvest the 3-year-old bamboo and cut them into bamboo barrels
Step 3: Pack the salt into the bamboo barrels
Step 4: Seal the ends of the bamboo barrels with red clay
Step 5: Heat the salt-filled bamboo barrels using pine firewood with the incorporation of proprietary Intense High Heat (IHH) technology
Step 6: Iodisation of bamboo salt - How is red clay used in the manufacturing of bamboo salt?
Red clay is used to seal the end of salt-filled bamboo barrels to prepare the barrels for the burning process. Through the heating process at high temperatures, the minerals from the red clay are efficiently absorbed by the salt and contributes to the rich mineral profile of bamboo salt produced. - Why is Sahajidah Garam Buluh fortified with iodine?
Sahajidah Garam Buluh is fortified with iodine in conjunction with the Pengiodinan Garam Secara Universal programme by the Ministry of Health (MOH) [1]. This programme is a key strategy proposed by WHO, UNICEF and ICCIDD (2007) in eliminating iodine deficiency disorders (IDD) at the population level. It is implemented by the addition of iodine to the salts sold and marketed to the community as a whole. Accordingly, in November 2018, the whole of Malaysia has been gazetted to use iodised salt mandatory for household use and has taken effect from 1 January 2021. - With Sahajidah Garam Buluh being fortified with iodine, will I be overdosed with iodine?
Iodine deficiency disorder (IDD) is considered as a major public health problem worldwide that is affecting various groups of people of which children and lactating women are the most vulnerable categories. The World Health Organisation (WHO) has recommended the Universal Salt Iodisation (USI) programme to address the occurrence of IDD at the population level [2].
The causes for iodine deficiency in Malaysia include the low iodine content of soil and water, inadequate iodine content in local foods and low consumption of marine seafood. Hence, most people need an additional source of iodine. Healthy adults can tolerate iodine levels of 900 - 1100µg iodine/day [3]. In conjunction with the Pengiodinan Garam Secara Universal programme by the MOH, we adhere strictly to the MOH recommendation on iodization content - Sahajidah Garam Buluh contains 130 – 200 µg per serving of 5g. In other words, excessive intake of iodine is unlikely if the product is taken according to the suggested direction of use. - What is the uniqueness of Sahajidah Garam Buluh compared to other bamboo salt in the market?
Sahajidah Garam Buluh is able to stand out in the market and give unique and original taste. Due to a strict selection of quality raw materials and the inheritance of traditional methods from ancient Korea, the original values of bamboo salt are well preserved. The efficacy of Sahajidah Garam Buluh is then further enhanced with modern technology – IHH technology for the improvement of the overall mineral content. It is also being used by medical doctors in oriental clinics in Korea as one of the natural Korean Medicine. - What is the direction of use of Sahajidah Garam Buluh?
Sahajidah Garam Buluh (Cooking Salt) can be used as a seasoning in cooking to enhance the taste of various dishes. Besides imparting the saltiness into food, it also gives a flavourful taste of natural freshness to make the food more palatable.
For Sahajidah Garam Buluh (40 sachets), mix one sachet with 200ml water or juice, stir well and drink. The intense saltiness and fine texture give a lift in taste of vegetable juice. - As bamboo salt is rich in minerals which are good for health, can I consume Sahajidah Garam Buluh as much as possible in a day?
The origin for majority of the edible salts in the market is similar as they are all from the sea. At a later stage during the manufacturing, different processing methods contribute to the different composition of the finished product.
As a simple comparison, refined salt contains 99% sodium and chloride. Meanwhile, Sahajidah Garam Buluh contains not only sodium and chloride, but also a vast variety of minerals and trace elements incuding magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, iron, selenium and others as these minerals are absorbed from the bamboo & red clay during the manufacturing process.
As a rule of thumb, we are advised follow the direction of use and recommended dosages of Sahajidah Garam Buluh to maintain a healthy eating habit and a balanced diet. - What is the pH for Sahajidah Garam Buluh?
Sahajidah Garam Buluh is an alkaline mineral salt with pH of 9 – 11. - What is the sodium content in Sahajidah Garam Buluh?
Sodium is a mineral that is essential to maintain fluid balance and nerve signalling. According to Recommended Nutrient Intake (RNI) 2017, we are advised to consume at least 1.5g sodium but not more than 2g of sodium per day. All types of salts contain sodium and chloride as salt components. Hence, consuming too much of any of salts will result in a negative effect on body health.
Refined or table salt usually consists of 99% sodium chloride, which is equivalent to 40% sodium content. Sahajidah Garam Buluh contains about 28 – 35% sodium. Apart from sodium and chloride, Sahajidah Garam Buluh also contains minerals and trace elements such as magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, iron, copper, sulphur, selenium and others. - One sachet of Sahajidah Garam Buluh contains about 31mg magnesium. Cooking salt contains about 6mg magnesium
per serving (5g).
- What are the mineral contents in Sahajidah Garam Buluh (40 sachets)?
Sahajidah Garam Buluh (40 sachets) contains a vast variety of minerals and trace elements. The content of minerals is as shown in table below.Minerals
1.0 – 1.5
77 – 115
56 – 84
56 – 84
2500 – 4000
4.7 – 7.0
496 - 744
0.4 – 0.7
7.4 – 11.1
0.7 – 1.1
240 - 360
28 - 35
295 - 442
0.01 – 0.02
0.05 – 0.07
- Why do I taste a slight egg white-like taste when I first consume Sahajidah Garam Buluh?
The egg white-like taste is a result of the roasting of bamboo salt and sulphur content from the bamboo. During the roasting process, sulphur is extracted from the bamboo trunk and absorbed by the salts. Sulphur, after calcium and phosphorus, is the most abundant mineral element [6] found in our body. It is an important constituent of sulphate and sulphide minerals, such as hydrogen sulphide, which is an active component to strengthen immunity. Despite its importance, sulphur gives unpleasant taste which is usually not desirable to some.
With the incorporation of the proprietary Intense High Heat (IHH) technology, the enhanced formula of Sahajidah Garam Buluh minimises the egg white-like taste. Many of our users have given positive feedback on the newly improved taste profile. - Why do we need to increase the intake of minerals and trace elements?
In general, the main source of minerals and trace elements can be consumed from vegetables and fruits. The WHO has recommended a minimum intake of 400g of vegetables and fruits per day for the prevention and alleviation of several micronutrient deficiencies, which includes the deficiency of minerals. However, the consumption of vegetables and fruits among the community were far lower than the recommended number of servings for a healthy diet. - What are the benefits of taking bamboo salt?
Bamboo salt is widely known as medicinal food in Korea and has been utilised since ancient times to promote health and wellbeing. It is one of the many natural foods used in oriental medical clinics in Korea to treat patients. Over the years, numerous scientific studies have been done on bamboo salt to conclude its functional benefits and therapeutic effects.Bamboo salt contains a wide spectrum of minerals and trace elements as compared to other types of salts. Minerals and trace elements are vital in different metabolic functions, such as the production of energy, blood, enzyme and hormones. Thus, our bodies require a vast variety of minerals and trace elements to be continuously supplied into our systems to ensure proper bodily functions.
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